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Raphael Theseira

Year 4 | Business

(second from the right)

September 17, 2019

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MTR is something I’ve always looked forward to every semester in this community. Through the many trials and challenges that the semester brings, I always find myself thirsting for fulfillment that cannot be found in the busyness of university life.

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I like to think of the encounter of the Samaritan woman at the well when I reflect on how Jesus encounters me as well. Like the woman, I do often find myself thirsty, never satisfied, and coming back to the well to draw from again. In John 4:13-14, Jesus says “Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst”. Like her, I often come to the well with the feeling of “I’ll probably need to come back again soon”. Feeling like there is an unending draining of myself when I approach my work and relationships without Jesus, and wanting the water that cannot be run dry. Like her, I say to the Lord “Sir, give me this water, that I may not thirst, nor come here to draw” (cf. John 4:15).

Jesus encountered her where she was and he encounters me where I am at MTR, no matter if it is as a participant or if I’m serving! From seeking fulfillment that cannot last to finding the fulfillment of eternity, the woman left her bucket behind and went into the town to tell everyone about Jesus, and I am constantly invited to do the same.

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During the MTRs, my realization was that my attraction to the church and to this community was not really towards the theology and knowledge of it all but to the people. People who displayed poverty, dignity, communal spirit, generosity towards others, all of which were things I never knew I was so attracted to until I experienced them firsthand. I found the very Jesus who encountered me where I was through my friends, who loved me and brought me to drink this water that Jesus could give me.

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Falling is easy, but staying in love is hard. In this uni journey and in the journey of life there are so many things for us to fall for. But I want to propose this: why not fall for the one who has already fallen for you, who loves you immensely and only wants for you to join him in Joy in this life and the next! I encourage you to take this step and let yourself be loved and ministered to by the Father in this MTR!

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